

The Aeolian Hall Musical Arts Association is a not-for-profit organization that values universal access to music performance and education. Our programs build better, stronger communities. We have been a cornerstone of arts and music in London and Old East Village for almost two decades. The COVID pandemic has challenged the way we deliver to students and patrons, but it has left us more determined than ever to meet our goals.


the impact of your support

Your financial gifts are a part of this success. Your support has ensured safe, consistent programming for children and youth in a time of confusion. Your support has kept musicians on the stage. Your support has ensured that our community stays strong. Your support has kept our lights on, and our team waiting near the doors: anxious to open them again to friends and family.

building a stronger community: together

Imagine a world without music. Imagine a school without music education. Imagine a child without an outlet to express themselves. Imagine a life without mentoring and leadership. Carrying on through trying times is challenging. Your gifts have reminded us of the kind of world we want to live in: a world that embraces diversity, seeks social justice, gives children the tools they need to build a stronger community for their family, and a world where creativity inspires human interconnectedness. We cannot survive unless we are able to thrive.

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/donation-thermometer/.$130,000Raised $147,874 towards the $130,000 target.$147,874Raised $147,874 towards the $130,000 target.114%
resilient & ready to meet the challenges ahead

The challenge remains: our programs need you, they need your financial support to continue building communities, to continue enriching lives through music and the arts and to continue to light the way for others. Please, do not stop now: we are asking you to help us emerge from this pandemic strong, inclusive and resilient. Let’s keep on this journey. Despite all we’ve seen and all we have been through as a people, better days are ahead. We can be part of that promise.

campaign goal: $50,000

Eliminate our El Sistema waiting list

Support artists and musicians with paid work

Be a beacon through challenging times

Strengthen our community

To push boundaries

To cultivate artistry

To stretch human potential

Pushing Boundaries, Cultivating Artistry, Stretching Human Potential

Dear Friends,

The Aeolian has a rich history of creating universal access to the arts and education. This past year has pushed us to pivot, dive, duck, defend and break free of the Covid-locked world. Sure, we’ve had to innovate. Who hasn’t, right? The big work has been figuring out how to connect and inspire in ways that can warm the heart and inspire us to a future where the arts not only survive the Pandemic, but lead the way to a better future on this planet. When we are creative, we solve problems. When we are creative, we can build beautiful things. When we offer creativity to everyone, we break down the barriers that are dividing our world.

You are part of this journey of equity, inclusion and inspiration. For that, we thank you.

We need you now more than ever. It’s not over. Although the government has put some assistance in place, it’s not enough for us to survive. We’re counting on you to help us emerge and flourish. We need to raise to $50,000.

It’s not just about survival though. We plan to make the most of our new-found virtual world and expand our reach. We’ve had listeners far and wide for our virtual Phoenix Session concerts and are planning to offer our virtual classrooms to children and youth in our El Sistema Aeolian program outside of our geographic catchment. We have installed a recording studio on the main floor of the hall thanks to funding from a recovery grant. Think of the possibilities. Artists not only can reach out further with their performance, but they can also have a high quality recording to help market themselves. Areas where there is no music instruction are now reachable with online classes.

But nothing replaces the in-person experience of live music and the act of making music together. We need that more than ever!

Help us keep the lights are on, the stage set and be ready to welcome you back home to The Aeolian.

Clark Bryan

Executive & Artistic Director


Children are a demographic most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Their resilience has been challenged – over and over – in school and out, online and in person. They rely on family – their bubble – to teach them, to mentor them, to lead them, and to be their friends. Never has a vulnerable population been tested so extraordinarily and proven itself so beautifully.

Against the odds, El Sistema Aeolian has continued to persevere. We have offered children a safe and consistent environment to work and learn, access to friendships and stimulating, extracurricular activity through music. We continue to grow the program, allowing more students to join and making plans to expand our reach in the future. Every child deserves the opportunity to participate in music education as much as they are owed consistent and positive experiences.

In 2020 and 2021, through the magic of video and recording technology, we were able to ensure that the children and youth enrolled in El Sistema Aeolian had the opportunity to perform and that their parents and friends had the opportunity to witness their successes.


El Sistema is the place I go to see my friends. It is a place where I have learned and continue to learn music, and play more challenging pieces than I ever thought I could. When I first arrived, I felt awkward, not knowing anybody, but it did not take long for the people and the place to grow on me. I quickly became comfortable and made new friends: friends that were different than my school friends. They were kinder, funnier, and more accepting. El Sistema became the highlight of my day. We played music, we joked, we ate together, we talked, we learned.

Before I started, I wasn’t confident playing my instrument, but as I played with others and listened to the sounds of music combining and creating something beautiful, I felt powerful. I was a part of something and I felt like I belonged. Concerts are my favourite because I feel like a star, a celebrity, someone special. Of course I can never hold back my smile when people clap at the end.

My friends are so fun and we had so many inside jokes. We all come from such different backgrounds, but here together, laughing and making music, we complete a puzzle each with our own unique piece. It was at El Sistema where I did amazing things. I sang in front of crowds at a hockey game, I played on a real stage, I played musical pieces that I would never have even considered playing beforehand. This place has always been there at the end of the day: when I was happy, when I was sad, I was stressed, and when I was confused. As I grew, changed, cried, laughed, and learned I could, and still do depend on El Sistema, my friends, and the music to be there and hear my every word.

When I hear El Sistema, I do not think of music lessons, I think of my friends, my memories, my inside jokes, the music I’ve learned and heard that still blows me away. When I wonder what I would be without El Sistema, I do not know. The first word that comes to mind is lost…I would be lost without El Sistema, my friends and the music. This year has been one for the books and I sincerely miss El Sistema in person with the wonderfully large groups we usually have. I miss the concerts and seeing my friends, so hopefully we can resume being back together soon.

By: Yianna Aggelonitis, El Sistema Aeolian Music Student

El Sistema Winter Concert (2020)
El Sistema Spring Concert (2021)


Visit our website for more information about El Sistema Aeolian


Launched in 2020 at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Aeolian Phoenix Sessions brings live music into the living room of our friends and patrons.

With at least four concerts every month for a low subscription cost of $20, members can experience new material and old favourites my artists of every genre. From folk to rock, classical to jazz, the Phoenix Sessions represent the modern Canadian musical landscape.

Now more than ever, keeping artists on stage – performing and creating – is foundational.

Sarina Haggarty and Connor Morand
Gina Farrugia and Peter Karle

Visit our website for more information about the Phoenix Sessions.


At it’s finest, the Pride Men’s Chorus is about community building, friendship and inclusivity. Never have these qualities – core to the human spirit – been more challenging. The Chorus has not been silenced by social distance and stay-at-home orders.

Early in the Pandemic, chorus members took advantage of the luxury of time to enhance its volunteer structure, developing new roles such that participants had more of a role in the day to day operations of the choir by actively participating in everything from archiving to  maintaining a music library to marketing.

Members continue to attend a weekly virtual rehearsal and were able to release a music video during the Christmas season despite not being able to sing together for over eight months. This practice continues. The chorus continues to grow as new members join. The choir continues to fill a special need on the lives of its members.

He Ain’t Heavy (He’s My Brother), December 2020

Visit our website for more information about the Pride Men’s Chorus

giving to aeolian hall

At Aeolian Hall, we celebrate the generosity of our donors and volunteers.

We thrive because of the thoughtful contributions of many. We are humbled by your kindness and pleased that you share our mission.

We treat every gift as special, no matter the size. A small gift for today, a larger gift for the year, or a long term pledge to ensure a sustained legacy all play a role in in building a better community.

Vital programs like El Sistema Aeolian – our free after-school music program for children and youth who do have access to affordable music education – are shaping the lives of our next generation of leaders and philanthropists: our participants care about the community, the environment, and the world they live in: just like you.

how to Donate


Write a cheque made out to Aeolian Hall Musical Arts Association and mail to:

Aeolian Hall – 795 Dundas Street – London, Ontario – N5W 2Z6

one time or monthly gifts by credit card

Credit Card gifts can be made on the secure CanadaHelps website. Donors have the option of selecting a monthly recurring gift or a one-time gift.


The Aeolian welcomes all levels of support, but if you feel that you can give in larger ways, consider us when preparing your Estate Will or any other type of gift giving instrument.  We can assure you that your gift will positively impact greatly on the quality and number of services we provide to the London and region Communities.

Your contribution will leave a memory, enrich people’s lives and support the growth and development of our Mission and Vision.


A tax receipt can be provided for monetary donations or donations in kind which have an official appraisal.  Donations for services cannot receive a tax receipt as per CRA regulations.

giving online

Online donations can be made as one-time or monthly gifts securely via CanadaHelps, below.

Rent The Aeolian

The Aeolian is a beautiful, unique, award-winning location to host your event.

While particularly renowned for its acoustic/live music presentations, the Aeolian is a versatile facility and can also host conferences and fundraisers.

Give to Culture

Explore the arts. Support your community. Discover yourself.

The Aeolian relies heavily upon a strong base of community support that benefits many projects and events. All contributions, whether small or large, make a huge difference and will help sustain The Aeolian Musical Arts Association’s mission and future.