88 Keys to Inspiration

Giving access to music

The piano is an amazing product of the industrial revolution!  Its history goes back to the end of the 18th century and much of the greatest music ever written was created for this instrument.  The piano has enjoyed a steady place at the centre of many households as the centre for entertainment and family engagement.  Although it has experienced some decline in popularity in the past fifty years, it is still at the heart of music performance and composition.  Providing opportunities to place pianos into homes where the means to purchase them is not available gives joy to countless young people and their families.  Pianos donated from this program are permanent donations!

Program Overview

88 keys to Inspiration is a collaborative program made possible between D&S Pianos and The Aeolian. Both organizations and the community members that donate the pianos believe that every child should have access to a quality education including a rich arts education. Therefore, the Aeolian and D&S Pianos have joined efforts to form a music community-building program bringing quality donated pianos back to life in new homes with young musicians.

88 Keys to Inspiration is about creating music learning opportunities for individual and community growth through the arts. Pianos are donated through The Aeolian, a registered charity. D&S pianos look after the initial assessment, tuning and delivering of these pianos to the homes of applicant children and their guardians. By providing good quality used pianos to homes of children who cannot afford them, this program fills the gaps between those having access to a quality musical opportunity/education and those who would not otherwise.

PLEASE NOTE: we do not accept pianos that are located outside of london, onTARIO.

We recognize the generosity and intent of every donor to support this program. The Aeolian is being extremely selective of piano donations at this time.  Pianos, unlike violins have a limited lifetime before they need substantial investments such as new hammers, strings and many other vital reconditioning.
We are looking for pianos that need limited repair work to ensure no costs are burdened by either the aeolian or the piano recipient.
Please fill out the form and we will get back to you about suitability of your instrument for this program.


Please fill out the form below.  Do not contact D&S Pianos directly.  We will make arrangements for the piano to be inspected.  If the donation is accepted, D&S Pianos will appraise the instrument and give a Charitable Tax Receipt for the full value of the appraisal.

88 Keys Piano Donor Form

Email, Phone Number, Address,
Include address, floor of building
Brand (name), Upright or Grand, Age, Condition (if known)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


  • Homes of children and youth who don’t have the financial means to purchase a piano.
  • Students committed to the El Sistema Aeolian program will be given priority.
  • Community spaces which are not commercial businesses and aren’t supported in a large way by public funding (Religious organizations of all denominations that are registered charities or incorporated not-for-profits may be considered in a case by case basis, provided that they offer a music program that benefits the broader community).
  • 88 Keys to Inspiration recipients agree to keep the instrument in as good condition as they received it, and understand that regular tune-up and maintenance will need to be scheduled and budgeted for once per year.
  • pianos are donated permanently and cannot be returned to the program.


88 Keys

  • Max. file size: 50 MB.
  • Max. file size: 50 MB.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Murray and Beverly Abbott
Wayne Adlam
Chris Anjema
Robert Atkinson
Barrow Baldwin
Bill Barnes
Carol Anne Barre Lazzarin
Mary Boyer
Shirley Bradish
James Bridges
Kibby Brooks
Robert Butler
Hamish Campbell
Sandi & Paul Caplan
William Chefurka
Mhairi Sian Colgate
Lynda Cosens
Carol Craig
Glenn Cronk
Carly Daley
Wayne Davison
Ron Delanghe
Lynne Dennis
Donna Dickson
Gary Doucette
Jocelyn Drainie
Eric Duggan

Paul Eby
Joel Faflak
John Fraser
Jeff Goud
John Hamilton
Leslie Harden
Connie Harris
Sandy Hay Glass
Bill Hayes
Estate of John Neil Herron c/o Jacquie demoor
Ron Holt & Max Brigden
Whitney Hoth
Paul Kilbourne
Alison Kitpatrick
Georgena Kostantakos
Juan Leng
Kathy & Alexander Lewis
Margaret Linton
Chad & Anita Louwerse
Keri Lucas
Linda Lyons
Lesley Maciver
Marilyn May
Mary Jane McLeod
Paul Morris
Roy Neufert
Debbie Oates c/o Joseph Zezulka

Kevin O’Brien
Patrick O’Sullivan
Mary Panopulos
Bob Paterson
Lea Pender
Joe Raheb
Michael Rich
Roger Robins
Ramona Robinson
Tracey Rutledge
Pamela Salmoni
Joe Samuels
Irwin Smith
Sandra Stark
Alberdina Stevens
Letty Stork c/o Myra Legroux
Brenda Sutton
Stephen Taran
John Thomas
Alana Trimmer
Myra Tuer
Jason Van Rys
Gregory Vitali
Shelley Vlasic
Gordon Vogt
Gail Walsh
Amanda Zimmerman

Thank you for the Magical night! I am spoiled beyond belief for any other performance space.
June Garber – Musician

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While particularly renowned for its acoustic/live music presentations, the Aeolian is a versatile facility and can also host conferences and fundraisers.

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Explore the arts. Support your community. Discover yourself.

The Aeolian relies heavily upon a strong base of community support that benefits many projects and events. All contributions, whether small or large, make a huge difference and will help sustain The Aeolian Musical Arts Association’s mission and future.