Thirty years into an acclaimed career, Monkey House finds itself with a worldwide following and a star-studded list of collaborators that includes Mark Lettieri (Snarky Puppy), Richie Hayward (Little Feat), David Blamires (Pat Metheny), and Steely Dan veterans Jay Graydon, Elliot Randall, Michael Leonhart and Drew Zingg.
Emmy-winning frontman Don Breithaupt, whose songs have been recorded by Chicago, the Manhattan Transfer, Marc Jordan, Ron Sexsmith, Sarah Slean, Ian Thomas and many more, founded Monkey House in 1993 as an outlet for material he was pitching to pop artists: “When word would come back that a song was too quirky, too tricky, or too jazzy, I would keep it for myself,” laughs Breithaupt. “Those songs became the foundation of our first album, Welcome to the Club.”.
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