“Simon & Garfunkel: Homeward Bound” is a brand new, theatrical show that celebrates the timeless hits of the legendary Folk duo that sold over 100 million records in the 1960’s and 1970’s.
“Homeward Bound” stars the incredible musical talents of Jeff Giles and Drew Chester, who truly capture the unique vocal blend of Simon & Garfunkel. Song highlights include “Mrs. Robinson”, “Sounds of Silence”, “Cecilia”, and of course, “Bridge Over Troubled Waters” amongst the many audience favourites.
Rent The Aeolian
The Aeolian is a beautiful, unique, award-winning location to host your event.
While particularly renowned for its acoustic/live music presentations, the Aeolian is a versatile facility and can also host conferences and fundraisers.
Give the Gift of Aeolian
Looking for a unique and fun gift for a special someone?
Look no further than a gift card for The Aeolian. This is a perfect gift for any lover of music and the arts.