
Donor Programs



Please help us give “The Gift of Music, The Gift of Community”.  We need your help to sustain and thrive.  Every donation matters and builds the opportunities we provide including:

  1. high quality productions from our stages
  2. our award winning free after school music program: El Sistema Aeolian
  3. our Aeolian Pride Choruses
  4. art shows that showcase local artists
  5. community events: often free to the public

It’s been a challenging year with the stresses on our streets, the economy and construction.  Every donation, no matter how small helps us!  We thank you in advance for your consideration of support.


The Aeolian Team


how to Donate


To give the gift of securities, please complete the PDF form attached herein. To make a donation of securities to Aeolian Hall, you must instruct your broker to transfer your gift electronically, or you may send the securities to us in certificate form. In either case, please inform our contact (see the attachment below) and mail, email or fax the completed Notification of Gift of Securities to Aeolian Hall so that we can thank you, notify the Foundations broker of when to expect your gift and prepare an accurate charitable tax receipt. 


Leaving a bequest in your Will provides you the opportunity to make a meaningful tribute to represent your love of arts, music and community.

Your gift will have a lasting impact and will go towards building stronger, healthier communities.

Bequests are instrumental in ensuring the longevity of our programs and initiatives.

There are many options for including the Aeolian Hall in your Will. You may leave a percentage of your estate, property, securities or cash. All bequests are receipted with a charitable tax receipt which can help to reduce taxes on your estate. You may also designate the Aeolian as a beneficiary on your life insurance policy, RRSP or other securities (common or preferred).

We strongly recommend consulting with your financial advisor if you are considering a bequest to the Aeolian Hall Musical Ars Association.

Intention to Leave a Gift TO the Aeolian In Your Will

Knowing of your intentions to leave a gift in your Will helps us to plan for our long-term sustainability far into the future and to ensure that your gift is used as you wish. But most of all, we’d like to thank you in advance for your thoughtfulness. Any information that you share with us will remain strictly confidential.


Naming the Aeolian in your Will

Our legal name is: Aeolian Hall Musical Arts Association

Our charitable registration number is: 866178916 RR0001

It’s up to you to decide how your bequest will be used, however a general gift allows us to direct the monies received to the areas of greatest need.


Making the Gift of Life Insurance

Making a Gift of Life Insurance is a convenient and affordable way to make a sustainable future donation to the Aeolian.

The following options are available:

  • Transfer an existing policy to the Aeolian
  • Transfer a new policy to the Aeolian
  • Name the Aeolian as a direct beneficiary



Resource for Professional Advisors

We value our close partnerships with our professional advisors including financial advisors, lawyers, trust officers and funeral directors. We are grateful for the impact of your work.

Here are a few resources that will help meet the needs of your clients who want to support the Aeolian.

Legal Name: Aeolian Hall Musical Arts Association

Charitable Registration Number: 866178916 RR0001

Our mailing address is:

795 Dundas Street London, ON N5W 2Z6

PHONE: 519-672-7950


For more information please contact: Darren McCaffery, Interim Executive Director at accounting@theaeolian.ca

Aeolian General Campaign

Spreading Music, Changing Lives

 What would your life be like without music?

Music has the power to inspire, enlighten and transform.  It is a Universal Language that breaks down barriers and speaks to our collective humanity.

The Aeolian believes that everyone should have access to music and the arts.

Help us present excellence in performance and continue to offer and create revolutionary arts programs that build better communities.


  • help sustain and grow the aeolian’s programs including concerts, el sistema aeolian, aeolian pride choruses london, aeolian talks and our art shows
  • help preserve and restore our designated heritage site: the aeolian hall
  • Promote diversity in our programming and foster Social Inclusion and Social Justice in our communities
  • To offer Universal Access to Music, Art, Culture and Education through our free opportunities such as El Sistema Aeolian and Aeolian Talks
  • Maintain our presence locally, nationally and internationally as a top venue in Canada
  • To offer opportunities to our local musicians to perform in a world-class “Legendary” venue
  • To help us purchase new equipment needed for our performance and teaching spaces


  • Designated Historical Site: Aeolian Hall (1884)
  • Run by a Canadian Non-Profit Organization with Charitable Status: The Aeolian Hall Musical Arts Association
  • Board Members are highly experienced
  • Voted as Best Live Venue by the Forest City London Music Awards four times
  • Voted by CBC Radio 3 Searchlight Contest as one of the top venues in Canada
  • Small paid staff and large volunteer support


  • Present Concerts and events with very diverse offerings
  • Offer our facility for rent including special affordable rates for Non-Profit Organizations
  • Supporters include Government, Foundations, Corporate and Individuals
  • Create programming that supports disadvantaged populations
  • Work with Community Partners to help strengthen and grow opportunities in our community
  • Work with newcomers to help give opportunities in our programs and help them find a home in our community



“Aeolian Hall is a cozy theatre which hosts an abundance of local, national and international artists on their world-class stage…From the hall’s historic décor, artsy volunteers, hard-working staff, local brew, amazing entertainment, and heart-filling acoustics,  the word about Aeolian Hall is being spread far and wide and people are catching on to the gift that London Ontario natives are calling “The place to be for a great night out”. As a business-person, I am impressed by the organizational skills of the staff behind the scenes who work diligently to make sure each show goes without a hitch. Aeolian Hall is a magical place, built on love.  And all who enter its doors will be touched by this magic. It truly is the place to be!”
– Sarah Smith


“I love volunteering at the Hall for a number of reasons. There is an obvious giving back to the community but there is also the Aeolian community itself. The staff and volunteers are a great group of people from diverse backgrounds. We all start here for the love of music and stay for the community we are building.”

– Cindy Thomas


“It means safe fun with people I like, it’s good to be with people of like mind.”

– Candace, Aeolian Pride Choruses London


“I cannot express the impact that El Sistema has had on our family. Ella has blossomed as a confident eight-year-old and is identifying herself as a violin player. She often takes the opportunity to practice and teach her siblings the violin and has expressed her love for music […] Since starting in October of 2013, Ella has been invited to play her violin for various house guests and has been asked to play at several community events. This has enabled her to gain more confidence in her playing abilities and has also allowed her to connect with her emerging talent. El Sistema has truly opened many doors for my daughter, and through her, it is affecting the entire family in a positive way. I cannot express my sincere gratitude for this wonderful program. Many thanks for giving her this life-changing opportunity!” 
– Martha M., Parent of El Sistema Aeolian Student



2024 aeolian General Campaign Donors

Susan Agranove
Teresa Ainsworth
Genevieve Albert
Anonymous Gifts
Arcese Family Foundation
Mary Arnold
Gail Barbour
Mark Bayley
Luke Baylis
Julia Beltrano
Brenda Benson
Paul Brady
Jessica Brennan
John Broeze
Clark Bryan
Nancy and Eric Bryan
Moira Burke
Shanna Burns
Pierre Bussieres
Ryan Byrne
Chris Cahill
Sandi and Paul Caplan
Rose Marie Carr
David J Chapman
Burns Cheadle
Lesley Classic
Tess Coburn-Salem
Ruthe Anne Conyngham
Greg Cooke
Ian, Allison, Emily & Kaitlyn Cooper
Paul Cooper and David Hiebert
Mark Costello
Jeff Craig
Debbie and Ralph Crandell
David Crawford and Julia Holland
Jim Cressman
August Cruikshanks
Adira Daniel
Lynne Davies
Sue Davis
Kate Delaney
Angela Denne
Helene Desruisseaux
Devereux VanOstrand Fund
Garry Dodman
Anne Donkervoort
Robert Dykstra
Allan Edwards
Elaine Ellis
Peggy Anne Endean
Natasha Ens
Colin and Holly Evans
Joel Faflak
Jill Farmer
Blake Ferguson
Gayle Ferriss
Patricia Fewster-Lengyell
Anne Finigan
Lynda Fischer
Shirley Fleischhaker
Bob Fletcher
Allan Gedalof
Vicki Gerth
Nancy Gillespie
Oscar Gomez
April Hall
Bern Hall
Joan Hall
Steve Hampson
Mike Hanson
Gord and Maria Hardcastle
Vimla Harry and Robert Heacock
Jeremy Heatley
Beth Henning
Blair Henry
Mary Herlick
Glenn Hickling
David Hogg
Ron Holliday
Derek Hopgood
Samuel Hornby
William Horne
Andrew and Cindy House
Robert Howell
Sharon Howson-Jan
Judy and Ivan Hunter
Investors Group
Bill Jansen
Tim Jansen
Verne Jarvis
Chris Jeznovik
Elana Johnson and Christopher Collins
Peter Karle
Steve Killip
Kennedy Kimber-Johnson
Melissa Knott
John Kokko
Laura Gragan and Alex Cunliffe
Leslee Lefteruk
Dorinda Lewis
Libro Credit Union
Karen Lilley
Darlene Lima
Curt Lind
Boyd Little
Ray Lloyd
Samuel Lyon
Christie MacGregor
Ross MacKenzie
Ann MacPhail
Jen MacRae
Shannon Maguire
Jacob Malkin
Miriam Mann Medicine Professional Corporation
Andrew Marshall
Kathy Marshman
Roger Matz
Ombra May
Timothy McCarthy
Kathleen McCoy
Mary McCracken
Robert McCullough
Derek McDonald
Kelley McKeating and Bruce Jones
Katherine McLeod
David and Dorothy McPherson
Nancy Miller
Paulette Anne Miller
Louise Milligan
Beverly Mills
Sandra Mogensen
Donna Moore
Rick Morphew
Bruce Murray
Vineet Nair
Amanda Nethercott
Jim Nikolakakos
Ruth Noble
Maureen O’Dwyer
Maura O’Sullivan
Old East Village Business Improvement Area
Deborah Packer
Janice Palarca
H Elizabeth Parmeter
Marilyn Payne
Thomas Peace
Wendy Perry
Barry and Lisa Phillips
Christopher Pin
Kerry Playford
Kristina Plouf
Sarah Poole
Jean Porterlance
Jeannine and Andrew Poulton
Bronwyn Powell
Wesley Prescod
Marc Raymond
James S. Reaney
Marlene Rees Newton
Gary Renlund
Tera Reynolds
Robb Family Trust
Terry Romaniak
Chris Roney
Aiden Ross
Regina Satorius
Pat Schnare
Elizabeth Schultz
Michael D. Schultz & Associates
Keith Sequeira
William Sheldon
Pirkko Sheldrick
James Shreve
Tanja Simonovic
Robert Siskind
Shelly Siskind
David Skinner
Susan Soney
David Southen
George Spanos
Roderick Spence
Elizabeth Spracklin
Andrew M. Spriet
Andrew Stephen
Janice and Paul Strickland
Amanda Lynn Stubley
Ken Sumnall
Mark and Donna Teeple
Wendy Thompson
Renny Thomson
Robert Tordiff
Lynn Tremain
Paul Ufford
Mark Vaandering
Hiedi Vamvalis
Luisa Ventura
Derek Verveer
April Votrh
Melissa Vukovich
Robert Wallace
David Wallis
Kirk Wallis
Penny Welch West
William Whitlock
Ailene Wittstein
Wayne Wolanski
Janet Wombwell
Jim Wylie
Bev Zaifman
Connie and Frank Zolotar
Sandy Zupancic


Joan Ang
Sydney Brouillard-Coyle
Rod Culham
Yvonne Trieber

In kind donations

Ron Delanghe
The Estate of John Neil Herron c/o Jacqui demoor
Alison Kilpatrick
George Laidlaw
Marilyn Lamson
Roy Neufert
Joe Raheb
Amanda Zimmerman

el sistema “gift of music campaign”

Gift of Music, Gift of Community

ESA Gift of Music brochure 2024

Did you ever have “lessons” when you were young?  Whether they were swimming, hockey, music, art, dance or other lessons, think of your life without those experiences.  How would that change you?

Now imagine a program that offers to give high quality and intensive music education to youth in our city.

Your donation supports more than 115 Children between the ages of 6 and 18 to play in orchestras, sing in choirs and enjoy a healthy dinner and snack.  All of these experiences are 100% free, helping fill the gap between those receiving an enriched music education and those who don’t.

Many great musicians are acting as advocates for our program and have collaborated with the participants.    Marc Jordan, Royal Wood, Valdi, Yuri Pool and Matt Alber have all put their names behind this incredible opportunity as Honorary Patrons.


  • Inspire youth with the gift of music
  • Fill the gap between those receiving enriched music education and those who don’t
  • Eliminate many barriers to participation including economic, social and academic
  • Cultivate Leadership and Peer Mentorship as transferable skills
  • Help participants and their families to have a sense of belonging in our community
  • Improve abilities such as memory, tactile skills, spatial reasoning and literary skills


  • A free, intensive music program open to all without audition or experience
  • Part of a Global movement of programs in 86 countries, winning TED, UNESCO and the Glen Gould Awards
  • Over 115 participants perform in orchestras, sing in choirs, eat nutritious meals and perform many concerts each year
  • Unique Leadership and Peer Mentorship program taught in collaboration with Western University’s Don Wright Faculty of music


  • Minimum 3 days of training for 2.5 hours per day
  • Highly qualified music teachers many with Master’s Degrees or higher level training
  • Our home: The Aeolian Education Campus at first-st andrew’s united church in the heart of London
  • 15 to 20 performances per year
  • Over 50 volunteers support the classrooms, teaching and meals



“El Sistema Aeolian has made a big impact on my life specially when I was going through a hard time in my life. Going to El Sistema has helped me to escape all my worries and struggles. Thanks to the people that I met in the program who are so supportive, I became a more positive person who learn to love the music. I can feel the rhythm of each piece we play and in that moment I feel that we are just one trying to express the way that I see the world now. My mom loves the sound of my voice and she says that I have improved a lot since I am in the choir. Thanks so much to El Sistema Aeolian and all the people that are in the program they are like my family I feel at home when I am there.
– Laura C.


“This is my son’s fourth year at El Sistema Aeolian. He’s gained a real sense of musical technique and confidence, which is wonderful to witness. El Sistema is also a place of community where he enjoys spending time with friends and skilled teachers. This sense of belonging and responsibility to others has been an invaluable and enriching experience for our son and our family as a whole.”
– Ann T.

 Honorary Patron

 “Nothing develops a young mind more successfully, nor sets them on the right path quicker than the arts and the proper after school program to go with it. El Sistema Aeolian levels the playing field and allows more than just the privileged children an opportunity to expand their mind and abilities. El Sistema gives children the tools to change the world for the better.”

– Royal Wood

El sistema “sponsor a participant”

ESA Sponsor a Participant brochure 2024

Why sponsor a participant?

Sponsor an ESA participant and make an investment in the lives of youth in the community. Help support the opportunity to experience and learn music while cultivating teamwork, mutual respect, compassion and leadership. Your commitment to El Sistema Aeolian provides the needed stability to operate, develop, and expand this program to youth in our London Community.



“This program has had a huge impact on our family. Being a single mother has its challenges, and one of those challenges is engaging my children into life-long skills training at a reasonable price.  El Sistema Aeolian has made it possible for my kids to be a member of a skilled music program and confidently be a contributing force to the larger community that listens to their wonderful music, all provided for free. I am thrilled with the way my kids have grown as musicians, socially, and overall as contributing members of a community.”

– M. Macause


“My son has been in the El Sistema Aeolian program for over three years so far.   I have seen since the day he started huge progress in my son life ever since.   El Sistema is one of those programs that not only brings music to a kid`s life, it is also an integral program where all their capacities are tested to the level of excellence.   I can say that today my son has gained skills and knowledge not only in music, it is also social demureness, leadership, public speech, matures, stronger character making decision, independence and more. This program is well based in terms of the orientation to grow potential leaders in the music field that will bring value to the society in the near future.   The art of music through the El Sistema goes beyond any possible expectation.   I encourage everyone to participate actively promoting the social benefit of El Sistema Aeolian as organization.  I am so blessed of this wonderful opportunity.   My big thanks to all the El Sistema directors, coordinator, volunteers and everyone involved, working hard changing life for a better future.    Thank you El Sistema Aeolian!”
– Manuel Romero


“We rely on and deeply appreciate the healthy meals that’s are created by the volunteers in the El Sistema program. It allows us to transition our daughter from the end of busy school day to the beginning of her El Sistema programming. Knowing that she has had a chance to decompress, eat a healthy meal and socialize with peers is important to fuel her body and mind. This is also time well spent on further developing new and existing relationships with peers.” 
– Bob & Penney Aggelonitis


“Every time I see the El Sistema participants perform and see the growth in their music and confidence in themselves always gives me a special thrill having been involved with getting to know some of the participants over the years.”

– Janice Mark


Kevin Abma
Melissa Adamopoulos
Sandra Adkin
Agape Foundation of London
Teresa Ainsworth
Linda Alton
Anonymous Gifts
Vicki Arsenault
Mary Kay Baker
Jennifer Barr
Jan and Brock Barrett
Jocelyn Blakemore
Jim Blumsom
Paul Brady
Robert Brulotte
Clark Bryan
Maria Calpito
Norton and Maureen Campbell
Canada Life Assurance Company
Sandi and Paul Caplan
Susan Carlyle
Carlyle Peterson Lawyers LLP
David J Chapman
Merrigie and Mark Chung
Juan Cifuentes
Karen Clarke
Deborah Cooper
Stephanie Cornell
Carol Ann Cornwall
Jo-Anne DeBlieck
Judith DeGroote
Karen Delaney
Kimberley Dhaen
Robert Di Loreto
David DiBattista
Joni Dobson
Alison and Tim Doherty
M Joanne Dow
Aija Downing
Ed Ellis Ellis
Janice Elloway
Kevin Endo
Mike Falconer
Michael Feron
First Baptist Church
Elyse Fisher
Bill and Ann Fleming
Ellyot Fleming
Christine Fraser
Sarah Gallagher
Sue Garner
Anne Gehman
Kathleen Gingrich
Mary Margaret Gloin
Cheryl Griffith
Chansoo Han
Jim and June Harris
Lisa Harrison
Nastaran Hashemi
Judith Hateley
Bonnie Hepburn
Joyce Hepburn
Scott Hipwell
Michael Hodgins
Margaret Hopkins
Samuel Hornby
John Howitt
J Craig Hunt
Kanish Inamdar
Janssen Family Foundation
Elana Johnson and Christopher Collins
Kevin Johnson
Lynn Johnston
Nancy Joyal
Nancy Kedziersk
Knights Hospitaller Foundation Inc
Diane Knoppert
Knox Presbyterian Church – St. Thomas
Nicholas J Koppert
Katherine Krakowski
Ana Leal
Trevor Lewington
London Jewish Community Foundation – Bev Zaifman
Gina Lorentz
Kathryn Loreti
Simon Ly
David MacNeill
Bonita and Robert Magill
Andrew Marshall
Jeniffer Matias
Patricia Matthews
Vivian, Christiane McAlister
Marilyn McCaul
Nancy McHardy
McMaster University
Pat Meathrell
Peter and Diane Merrifield
Merry Rosebush Family Fund
Randy Mills
Burton and Hilary Moon
K.J. Muchan
Emilie Newell
Michelle Ngo
Jim Nikolakakos
Darleen Oberas
David Palumbo
Michael and Heidi Peck
Anne Perebzak
Katherine Pierce
Susan Ralyea
Danielle Ramsay
Bruce Reid
Jim Robson
Breanna Ross
Rotary Club of London Hyde Park
Robin Rundle Drake
Gabrielle Savard
Christine Siess
Ellen Singleton
Sisters of St. Joseph
Emily Siu-Chow
Sharon Smiley
Wayne Smith
David Southen
George Spanos
Richard Stacpoole
Jeffrey Stokes
Cheryl Streete
Sarah Tattersall
Mark and Donna Teeple
Paul Theriault
Gordon Thompson
Wendy Thomson
Simon Thorel
Annamaria Tolgyes
Andrew Turnbull
Sylvia Van Hemert
Danika Vandermark
Sri Vemuri
Jacqueline Vettor
Carlos Villaquiran
John H. and Josie Watson
Lynn Watson
Barbara Whalls
John Wiebe
Tanis Wright
Richard Yake
Daekyung Youn
Bev Zaifman


Friends of London Civic Gardens Complex
ETFO Thames Valley Occasional Teachers’ Local

el sistema Aeolian “gift catalogue”

Click here to see the El Sistema Aeolian Gift Catalogue.  Instruments and prices are on page 2 (scroll down to see them).

ESA Gift Catalogue 2024


Please contact us by phone at 519-672-7950, by email at info@aeolianhall.ca or donate online at Donate Online at: www.CanadaHelps.org by selecting “El Sistema Gift Catalogue” from the list of funds and indicate what instruments would would like to purchase with your donation.


The Aeolian Hall Performing Arts Centre, a historic and iconic venue in London, Ontario, is dedicated to enriching the community through the arts. Our corporate sponsorship program offers businesses an opportunity to support the arts, gain brand exposure, and engage with our diverse and vibrant audience. Sponsorship levels have been designed to offer a range of benefits, allowing companies to align their brand with our mission of fostering creativity, inclusivity, and community through the performing arts.

We understand that every business has unique goals and needs. Custom sponsorship packages can be tailored to fit your company’s objectives. Whether it’s sponsoring a specific event, program, or offering in-kind support, we are open to discussing how we can work together to create a meaningful partnership.

Benefits of Sponsorship

Brand Exposure: Reach a broad and diverse audience through our events, programs, and marketing efforts.

Community Impact: Support the arts and make a positive impact on the local community.

Employee Engagement: Provide your employees with exclusive experiences and foster pride in supporting a community-oriented organization.

Tax Deduction: As the Aeolian Hall is a registered charity, your sponsorship may be tax-deductible.

Donors prior to current year

Click this link to see a list of donors from prior years:




Lynn Watson
Judy and Ivan Hunter

Rick Fysh – el sistema aeolian

Jocelyn Blakemore

Dorothy Haswell – el sistema aeolian

Katherine Krakowski

Megan Holliday – Aeolian General

Ron Holliday

David Harold Hunt – el sistema aeolian

J Craig Hunt

John Kuiack – el sistema aeolian

Tanis Wright

Jake Levesque – el sistema Aeolian


Music Lovers who have passed on – el sistema aeolian

Kathryn Loreti

Matthew Vaccari – el sistema aeolian

Alison and Tim Doherty
Anne Perebzak
August Cruikshanks
Breanna Ross
Canada Life
Carlyle Peterson Lawyers LLP
Cheryl Griffith
Cheryl Streete
Christie Macgregor
Christine Fraser
Clark Bryan
Colin and Holly Evans
Danika Vandermark
David MacNeill
David Palumbo
David Southen
Elana Johnson and Christopher Collins
Elizabeth Schultz
Emily Siu-Chow
John H. and Josie Watson
K.J. Muchan Planning & Referral Services
Keith Sequeira
Kevin Johnston
Laura Graham and Alex Cunliffe
Marilyn McCaul
Mark Bayley
McMaster University
Michelle Ngo
Natasha Ens
Penny Welch West
Robert Di Loreto
Ross MacKenzie
Sarah Gallagher
Shannon Maguire
Sri Vemuri
Stephanie Cornell
Tess Coburn-Salem
Vineet Nair



Rent The Aeolian

The Aeolian is a beautiful, unique, award-winning location to host your event.

While particularly renowned for its acoustic/live music presentations, the Aeolian is a versatile facility and can also host conferences and fundraisers.

Give to Culture

Explore the arts. Support your community. Discover yourself.

The Aeolian relies heavily upon a strong base of community support that benefits many projects and events. All contributions, whether small or large, make a huge difference and will help sustain The Aeolian Musical Arts Association’s mission and future.